Summer is here

Here we go! Warm temps mean lot's of outside play and outside play means accidents! Brian attended the State Republican Party Convention all day so the kids and I were on our own for a beautiful Saturday. It was in the mid 80's which is very unusual for this time of year. We enjoyed Ainsley's soccer game and then on to Isaac's game in Provo. After that we came home for a little bit of cleaning. at 7:00 Brian still wasn't back so we headed to the Skousen's home for the Annual "Pie Night". I visited inside and the kids played with all the neighbors. Olivia somehow cut her chin open on their slide so I loaded up the kids took them home and Olivia and I headed up to Sandy for the only Insta Care I could find that was still open. 4 stitches later she was good as new and she was super brave. Didn't even flinch the whole time. I think she was enjoying her few minutes of holding still. Julie was feeling terrible that Olivia was hurt at the party but I assured her that we take Olivia out at our own risk. Ha Ha, she thought that was pretty funny. Olivia is winning as far as stitches go I think. I am fine with that because Olivia is a beautiful girl that lives life to the fullest. I just pray she is careful when she needs to be!


  1. Every family needs at least one set of stitches on the chin! She looks so brave!

  2. ouchie!! She does look brave. Heal fast, cute girl!


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