First Day of Pre-School

It's Official! Olivia is now in School. She started at the Tree House Pre-School last Wednesday. She is really excited! Isaac and Ainsley also went to this Pre-School so Olivia has been familiar with it and ready to go for quite some time. Like Ainsley, she is also excited for homework (don't ask me!!) so we have already done half of her first homework book and would have had it finished by now if it was up to her.

I can't believe Olivia is already 4 years old but I am happy to see her have these new experiences. She is ready to grow and explore the world so that is exciting for me. I know she will succeed!!


  1. What a cutie. You'll have at least two more times to do that, right?

    I didn't even think to post about Talmage's first day of school! Last year (his first) I made the biggest deal out of it and this year on the Friday (or Saturday) before his first day I casually informed him, "Hey, you've got school on Monday." No new clothes, no bought school supplies, and only a couple simple pictures. Oh well.

  2. Olivia's always seemed much older to me than she really is. Sometimes I even confuse her for Ainsley from the back. I bet she is loving being such a "big girl!"

  3. i know you are byu fans so check out the auction at my cousins blog
    it ends tonight.

  4. hey Kristin.. we had a great time last weekend--glad you survived it! I'm making my blog private this week and I need your e-mail address so I can send you an invite to view it. send it to let me know when that baby comes! :)

  5. I can't believe our girls are growing up this fast! It seems like just yesterday we were both hugely pregnant and when you told me Olivia's name I was disappointed because it meant I had to take it off my list of possibilities! Hope she loves her year in Tree House Preschool!


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