Soccer 2010 Wrap-up

I love fall soccer. Unfortunately like everything else, it has to come to an end for the season. Isaac's team finished on a beautiful Tuesday afternoon with a win. They ended up only losing 2 games and finishing in 2nd place. They are pretty happy with the end results since this was their first time in this division. The top 2 finishers move up a division next year so they will play in Division 2 in the spring.

The girl's last soccer day was a little interesting. The warmest temp of the Saturday happened about 8:30 am and from there it went downhill fast. Too bad, everyone was looking forward to one more good game for each of the girls and Italia, Brian and Isaac were going to the BYU game.First Ainsley, Olivia, Acacia and I went to Ainsley's 9:00 game. The temp was dropping fast and as soon as the game started, the rain started too. The spectators huddled up for the long haul. They ended up calling the game at the half way point. The girls were soaked but still smiling. We re-grouped with some hot chocolate and prepped for Olivia's 11:00 game. By the time we got to her field the sun had come out and things were warming up a bit. Unfortunately the other coach had already decided to cancel the game so we met our team at the field to get the news and then headed to the park to have an end of season donut party.

So, with very little soccer played that morning we were home by noon and ready to enjoy the football game from our couch. The weather changed for game time and Brian, Isaac and Italia had a great time in Provo.


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